Content marketing toolkit

Expand Your Reach, Your Authority & Your Profits

Become more visible and attract more clients so you can make more money!

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    “Consistently create content and you’ll elevate your visibility, build you’re credibility, and be top of mind when your audience is ready to buy.”

    Bonnie Chomica

    Marketing Done Write

    What's it all about?

    Do you randomly post to social media, email your list, write a blog, or live stream?

    Randomness will keep you invisible and your lead list empty.

    This content marketing toolkit will help you write better, be more organized, and get better results. You'll develop your personal content creation process, so you deliver consistent, client-attracting information.

    These are tools and training to empower you to be a content creating master. It’s an opportunity to be creative, to be efficient, and to be more effective with your content.

    That will help you make a bigger impact and put more money in your wallet.

    What you get:

    This toolkit is a great foundation to make you more effective with your content.

    "Repurpose Your Content for More Profits"
    (training recording)

    • Discover how to turn one piece of content into several to be more efficient, and get more exposure on different platforms.
    • Reach more audiences, build your authority, save time and money

    Content Planner Tool 2023
    (spreadsheet style)

    • Easy-to-use tool to map out your content creation and promotion calendar
    • Colour coded for easy organization
    • Structured to plan by day, week, quarter

    9 Client-Attracting Writing Tips


    • Simple concepts to help you grab and keep the attention of your readers
    • Examples and ideas to attract and engage your audience
    • Useful for all your marketing and business writing

    ​Get more exposure. Get more reach.
    Get more clients.

    Whether you're looking for a done-with-you coaching experience or a done-for-you writing approach, the goal is to get you more exposure and to build trust with your target audience. Bonnie will help you find the best marketing strategies for your business and how to execute them, positioning you as the ultimate authority in your industry, so you can attract a flood of new clients.